Balance is one of the hardest things for me - sometimes I feel like I'm juggling a hundred things while walking a tightrope where I go backwards instead of forwards!
Just living a full and healthy life seems like hard work, and then there is actual work on top of that! Not that I'm complaining. I am extremely lucky to live in a time and place where education is accessible and flexible! And even more so that I have been able to get a scholarship to do my PhD! I love my work, I love being in the lab and running experiments! My biggest hardships are finding the hours, and containing my enthusiasm for a wide variety of interests... Yes, focus is an issue for me! I want to do everything right now.. I'm an ideas person!
Yes.. Focus! I spent today in the lab, and as a result have a massive step count of over 17000! And I took in and ate my lunch! And I went for a run! A totally awesome and wicked day all round!
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