Saturday, August 9, 2014

Day 5 of Prep

I am so on a roll!  This morning I hit the garden as soon as I woke up.  We have a massive yard with lots of trees - palm trees in particular!  They are horrendous for shedding leaves and quite a few of them are very tall, so tall we can't reach to remove dead leaves.

And if the palm trees aren't tall, they are clumping!  See those two small palms near the shed (right side).  We got a full load of green-waste from that today!  We also removed a rather large bush growing behind it which was blocking our access to behind the shed.

You might also notice that at the base of the washing line we now have a large green pot and pot stand so I can grow some herbs and leafy vegies this spring! 

And I love that we are starting to see the grass greening up a bit - even though it will mean mowing the lawn very soon!

I am looking forward to summer this year!  I turn 40yo!  Our yard will be in great shape as it warms up with the amount of shade drastically reduced in the yard itself, while not affecting the shade for the house and entertainment area.  We should be able to have some nice BBQ dinners outdoors by spring time!

I'm excited to think that I will be in shape too.  We have a public swimming pool just down the road from us and I am looking at purchasing a season pass for the family so we can go down of an afternoon to cool off after school and work!  It will be so nice to feel confident in my swimmers, even if I don't have a 'perfect figure'! 

Last night:
had a peanut butter sandwich before bed.
Bad case of restless legs (but then remembered I still had my patch on)
Stayed up late (2am), woke up around 9am
Skipped breakfast and morning tea but had two coffees
lunch was bacon and eggs
afternoon tea I had flaxseed crackers and salmon
dinner: having a treat meal!  KFC and salad with icecream for dessert.
Exercise:  gardening, steps: 10000.

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