Thursday, August 28, 2014

5 Days to go!

We are getting so close!  Check out the GCF Shop - I got the email last night and it looks pretty exciting!  I sure do hope I don't have to buy all that stuff though!

I am so tired right now!  I've been setting the alarm earlier and earlier this week in the hopes of getting up early enough to hit the gym before I start my day.  I think it might be a lost cause though, I'm much better at afternoon exercise so 6:30am will be it for early days!!  That gives me enough time to prep properly for the day, go to uni, pick up kids, exercise, dinner, clean, bed!

I'm pretty sure we get some plans open up tomorrow.. though I'm not sure if we get plans for the first week or not.  Will have to wait and see!  Excited!

Posting this one late!  I thought I published it last night.. yet here I am at 7am in the morning posting it!  Kind of funny really - given I woke at 6am this morning!  No alarm!  After saying that 6:30am is as early as I wanted to wake up!

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