Sunday, August 17, 2014

Day 13 of Prep: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly!

Let's start with the good, on what I shall call Black Sunday!

Lunch.. baked salmon!  Unbelievably easy - a quick 5mins to blend breadcrumbs, basil, parmesan cheese, and some olive oil - coat over the salmon pieces and bake for 30mins!  I did have plans to do an awesome 'just baked' picture using my newly found photography skills however the children smelt it as soon as I took it out of the oven and had helped themselves before I had a chance to grab my camera!  This was the little bit that was left for me!

I spent the day attacking my pile of photographs that I have collected over my 20 adult years (complete with a few stolen from Mum's albums!) and a made a bit of headway with 50 photos uploaded, edited, and details added.  Only a thousand odd left to go!

Yeah, I was a cutie!

The bad.. no weight loss this week.. 64kg so there is a slight increase.  I will blame two nights of alcohol, and a huge excess of carbs in the preceding two days!  Planning is important!

The ugly.. I smoked a few cigarettes!  Blargh!  After getting in twelve good days of not smoking, a bit of alcohol last night was enough to crush my willpower.  Back on the patches tomorrow and a stern lecture to my hubby about how he wants to quit as well!  It's not like I enjoy it, or even get any satisfaction from it!  It's just laziness and boredom and addiction. 

Tomorrow is going to be a challenge and the whole week has the potential to crash and burn on me with the whole family having throat infections and sniffly noses.  I will find solutions, not excuses!  I want to get this whole planning and commitment thing down pat before the program starts (in two weeks!  EEEk!).

I'm totally rocking it already - a few lessons learnt (which are better learnt now then during the program!) and quite a few successes under my belt!

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