Thursday, August 7, 2014

Day 3 of Preparation

Looks good right?  My dinner for tonight!  

Another day off today as I fight off the remnants of this head cold, so I spent the day cleaning, with a bit more cleaning on top of that!  Why?  Because I have a cleaner coming tomorrow morning!  Yes, seriously!  If I want the floors vacuumed and mopped then I need to be able to see said floors first!  

It's all part of preparing for this program.  I don't want to be worried about keeping up with the housework, and I need to reduce my stress levels! 

I am very happy to report that my husband is fully on board and keen to start cleaning up his diet (said while he was eating tomato flavoured crisps!).  He is thinking along the lines of more vegetables, more protein, and less processed food - exactly what we should be getting from the GCF program!  Given that he is usually the person who cooks dinner, this is fantastic news!

A little on my husband:  He is 41yo, 177cm and weighs in around 67kg, this hasn't changed much in the whole time I've known him!  He has naturally low body fat, and builds muscle easily.  His work environment isn't condusive to over-eating, and he finds it quite easy to make changes when he is motivated.  He started setting up a home gym three weeks and has done strength training every second day consistently since.  I am quite proud do him!

He will be quitting smoking tomorrow - he did quit two weeks ago but because I was still smoking, and he had pre-quit patches rather than full strength, he didn't last too long!  Now that I have quit as well, it should be much easier going for both of us!

I am feeling quite healthy even though I am sick.  I don't seem to have any issue with not having  refined grains though I did have two pieces of bread and the muffin yesterday!  And the extra water is always good!  No medication required tonight so hopefully no restless legs keeping me up!

From yesterday:
I snuck in a chocolate muffin before bed!
Sleep: 11:30pm to 7:00 am (restless legs)
2 coffees
Eggs with spinich and feta
Piece of chocolate
Salmon, egg, with salad and ACV dressing
2 choc Brownies, cup of tea (2 normal sugars and milk)
Half a T-bone steak, cup of veggies and three small potatoes.
Water: 1L
Steps: over 14000.

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