Sunday, September 14, 2014

Week Two Sunday

This week was hard.

Not the plan itself, but I was out of routine with work (think 10/12 hr days!).  Monday and Tuesday were actually pretty good.  The rest of the week wasn't - I forgot to prep my cereal the night before; my frozen meals weren't cooked properly; I wasn't here to cook dinner so husband just bought take-away, I 'didn't have time' to make my lunch.

So I need to rethink a few things. 

I normally have a quick omelette for breakfast.

2 eggs
butter in pan (5g)
feta  (20g)
greens (peas 20g)
sweet potato fritter (20g)
spice paste.

I could add a sweet potato fritter and maybe a roasted half tomato - or even left over veggies from last night.

Then have the option to add ham, chicken, proscuito or bacon.

But how do I make this fit the plan!  I've looked through the recipes to find the closest one but honestly, that's just confused me!

So I'm going to use the 'make your own' option!  Actually, I'm just going make up my breakfast and see how it fits!

Things to remember.. coffee/ tea counts as a carb (milk and sugar) so I'm going for 2 units of carbs, 3 of protein and 3 of fat. 

I've got, less then 2 units of carbs (the sweet potato is about one unit, peas about half), 4 units of fat (that butter adds up fast) and two of protein.  Less fat, more protein!  Feta is gone, ricotta or cottage cheese is in, and maybe some left over quinoa if I have it and heavy on the vegies.

The big question though, is do I really want this for breakfast everyday?  I did find the muesli okay, it comes down to remembering to add the liquid each night, and having some yogurt, berries and apples ready to add.

Snacks I need quick and easy.  The curried egg or ham and tomato on a rice cake is easy enough for one snack.  Other snack I will make yogurt, fruit, and nuts.  Easy Peasy.

Lunches are always problematic.  I think I just need one lunch for now to have each day.  Something quick and easy to make up in the morning - the Cheat Ceasar Salad.  The only problem is the lack of a microwave at work at the morning!  I really liked the carrot salad I had last week.. I could do that for two days and I will check out the other salads and maybe have a wrap.

Dinners I am just picking ones I had planned last week as that will be easier.

So that is meal planning!  I am tired and sick, it's not done properly, but it will do.  Better done imperfectly then not done because it wasn't perfect! Keep it simple!

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