Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Start small

Start with a seed, provide it with soil, light, and water, and watch it grow!

I am still alcohol and caffeine free!  I've had a few touch and go moments with the boys having Pepsi in the house, but a little cordial curbed the 'craving'.  My sleeping is getting much better as a result, still not quite regular, but better.  Not as many late nights and I'm waking up earlier some mornings!

I attempted an iPad free day - made it until lunch time!  

It takes time for habits to take root, and I would rather permanent change and that is what I am seeing.  When I attempt to change everything at once it is inevitable that it will fail.

I've spent a bit of time on my budget and I think adapting the same approach will work there as well.  I few small changes over time will add up.  It's all moving in the right direction!

My little garden is growing!  My corn seedlings sprouted so quickly I will need to sort out somewhere for them to be planted in the garden this weekend! It won't be long until we get to eat our first non-herb produce!

I'm thinking I might try out the Bokashi bucket again while think about larger composting options. Until then I need to think about other ways to get soil and compost for gardening!

So many thoughts and ideas running though my head.  I'm excited!

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