Sunday, October 19, 2014


I've gotten through the week resisting the urge to have a few drinks!


1. Calories!  Completely unnecessary calories!
2. Chemical shitstorm!  I drink pre-mixed cans, bourbon and cola - alcohol plus all the additives, preservatives, colours, and sugar that goes with the "cola" label!
3. Caffeine!  That goes with the "cola" as well.
4. The hangover.  No explanation necessary!
5. Fatigue!  I usually end up staying up late and while I may fall asleep quicker, the quality of the sleep is just plan crappy.
6. The hangover and fatigue make me a crap parent.. Seriously, who can play with active boys, cook, shop, think.. With a hangover!  And lots not forget the short temper and low tolerance to noise!
7.  Poor example!  It's not fair for my kids to see me drunk, swearing, making poor choices, being stupid.  How can they respect that?
8.  It would be fine if I could have just one, but I can't.  I keep drinking until I crash.
9. And 10.  Why drink?  What does it do for me other then give me temporary relief from my own sense of good judgement.  Fair enough my brain is pretty hard on me - anxiety and depression, catastrophic thinking, social phobia - but it all just comes crashing back even worse just when my defences are downed by the hangover!

I think, as an adult society, we've forgotten how to have fun and relax without alcohol being involved.  You know what is fun though?  Playing 'kick the ball' on the trampoline with my gorgeous son!  I could only go a few minutes before being exhausted, but I laughed, screamed, and had a ball!

Instructions:  take one netted trampoline, put in an exercise ball, attempt to kick the ball to each other. I  am still not sure if the goal is to try to knock the other person out, kick the ball over the net, or fall on your arse trying to kick a rapidly moving large ball!

If you don't have an exercise ball, use two smaller balls, but instead of trying to kick the balls, you have to avoid them.  Four touches and you're out, winner is the one who lasts the longest.

The most important part of the game... Once exhausted, lie on your back and look up, if it's the middle of the day it might be too bright so just bask in the outside warmth for a few minutes!

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