1. Some of my habits are now ingrained.. Shining my sink and emptying my dishwasher in the morning! The 'get dressed to your shoes' is getting there, but a little later in my routine on the weekend - coffee first! The HotSpot thing is working for me too, because it is linked to my sink (as my hotspots at the moment are places where dirty dishes seems to collect! ). Decluttering sort of happened in that I gave myself an extra job to do, no timer though, and the 5min room rescue was forgotten. Getting my clothes out seems to be the first thing to go.. And I know why! My closet is a disaster!
2. I don't have to do things perfectly. I was stressing about getting blogs perfect - triple checking the fly baby web site to make sure I doing it properly. On Friday I figured I wouldn't blog because it wouldn't be perfect - I had made my bed and done my routine - I was just tired. So I am giving my permission to join days, even if they aren't on the weekend!
3. I can take a day off! That's right, I can totally skip a day of Flylady Babysteps (are add an extra depending on how you look at it!). I can even skip a few days blogging and allow myself time to get a habit ingrained if I am having trouble with it. New stuff is only introduced into the every few days anyways... We are meant to give it time and an extra day isn't going to de-rail me! So what if my 31 days of BabySteps turns into 37days? Or even 51 days!
I feel better with that out of my system!
As I said, the one thing I am struggling with is getting my clothes out ready for the next day - partly because DH goes to bed promptly at 8:30pm, and party because my clothes are in baskets, suitcases, and in piles on the floor - the result of a combined 'organising clutter' session, seasonal change, and going away for a weekend. Conveniently, I noticed this weeks zone is the Master Bedroom so I have no excuse not to start hitting this room!
My 15mins will be spent throwing my clean clothes into baskets/suitcases/closet - anywhere but on the floor, and to start a 'a give away' pile and a 'too small but keep' pile ( I'm not ready to let go yet!). Whatever I get done in 15mins is enough!
My 5 min room rescue will be clearing the floors of dirty laundry and rubbish so I can vacuum.
That is it - nothing more, nothing less!
My bed is already made, a habit we added last week, and today's new habit is to go to bed at a reasonable time... See, perfectly aligned with the zones! A clean bedroom and made up bed will make the sleep thing a lot easier!
As for sleep, I'm usually pretty bad at it and the nicotine patches aren't helping. I want to be asleep by 10:30 so it's everything off and resting by 10pm. I've set my alarm for a 6:30 wake-up so that is 8hrs sleep and hopefully a little more as I get into routine! I've get some sleep supplements (magnesium based), a meditation on my phone, and an alarm set to start getting ready for bed! I'm looking forward to catching some zzzzs!
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