Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day 13: Lucky for some!

The paper clutter has been cut in half already!  The best part is that because I'm only doing a bit at a time, I am able to deal with the 'keep' pile in a more orderly manner.  As an example, I found DS1s teen dental. Medicare check today, which expires at the end of this year.  If I was doing my usual 'all-day sort out mission' it would end up on top of a large to-do heap... The very same heap I cleared today 6mths after my last attempt.  But because I'm doing a bit at a time, the only 'to-do' I have is book the dentist appointment and pop some stuff in the filing for tax time.  Easy peasey!  

I've so far sent two bags of magazines to donation, and one large garbage bag of last years school books, and another of stuff from DH's croupier training he did 18 yrs ago, into the bin!  I have a box of folders and various files and slips so I don't need to get anymore soon. I do think some may be bin worthy but I will give them a try first!

Oh, Kelly's mission was the extra task on the Flylady page today.  I wiped the doors, alcatraves, switches and handles in the bathroom.  Then I hit the loo for a 5min room rescue.. Way too many old paper rolls scattered on the floor!  And we won't mention the underwear stuffed behind the door.. Kids!

My perfectionism is a bit miffed that the 5min room rescue and 15min Decluttering are on the morning routine when I do them when the kids get home school!  But I'm sure I will get over it!

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