Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 12: Keep on keeping on!

Mondays suck!

I never got to the Decluttering, but I did the ironing (school clothes) as my 5min Room Rescue, and the 2 min Hotspot clen in the evening turned into a 15min rescue clean of the kids computer table!  No more water ice blocks for them until they understand the concept of putting the wrappers in the bin!

Otherwise it was fantastic!  All my routines done, and today's extra task, which was deleting any Flylady emails, is already under control - I read and delete once or twice a day!

Tomorrow is a Kelly Mission, and we learn about zones.  I had already set up zones in my house, but I think I will go back to the basic Flylady ones until I get things under control again!

I am participating in a Photo-A-Day group this month and today's theme was "favourite space".  I chose a spot on my front verandah - it's the only really 'homey' spot in the house and it's where I go to relax.  It's giving me 'have a smoke' vibes but I'm working through them (yup, still smoke free and loving it!).  I want my home to be full of spots like this!

Hotspots:  My original Hotspot (basket on the breakfast bench) is in maintenance mode, 10 seconds max. to clean it up.  My bedside table is sometimes a hotspot, particularly on the weekend.  But I struggled with the other household hotspots, because they are not 'mine'.  The kids computer table, my sons bed, my husbands bedside table and the table out back where he smokes.. I feel kinda resentful of having to clean those.  
I did the kids computer table tonight.. I figure its one way to show my kids love, but I also feel I need to teach them to do it themselves as well.  I'm going to work on that.. Maybe get them to clean it up whenever they hop off, then I can just give it quick wipe down each night.

Budgeting:  the envelope system is doing wonders!  So far we have tracked all our spending and can see that it is the general spending money that is catching us!  For Dave, that is smokes and beer, and me, buying lunch.  I also had the nasty job of arranging a payment plan for the elec bill, and Bec, the lady at the call center, mentioned my bill was way over average for a 5 person household especially considering we have gas hot water, and a gas stove top!  I'll be measuring our elec usage this week and seeing how much I can cut it down by.  I think it will be much lower if I am at uni every day - petrol usage has gone down too.  I should be caught up on the bills by November so will have to quickly save for Christmas and get that emergency fund going!  Frugal living has begun!

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