Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Week 9 Tuesday

Good news today, my work contact turned up so I need to get that printed and returned! Finally have a regular 6 mth casual contract for 30hrs a week!

Just a few jobs for today:

- stack dishwasher
- clean sink and wipe benches
- sweep floor

- tidy flours and breakfast cereals
- make list of containers needed
- tidy fridge

- sort excess stuff into piles to sort
- pick up rubbish

Storage area
- move Christmas tree
- pack away breakables for moving

Main Bedroom
- make bed 

- set table

- list of lightbulbs needed for whole house
- dinner shopping list
- hang out washing


coffee and oats for breakfast (at  noon!)
choc rice cakes and seaweed
honey mustard chicken for dinner
icecream and milo for dessert
baked beans
milo and cheese/cracker snacks (x2)

step count under 5K
no exercise


Had a very blah day but still got things done!  

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