I don't want this blog just to be about no Facebook. That's not the point really. I've been letting distractions get in the way of action. I've been reading a fair bit of self help type books, yes, another form of distraction, but today I was reading about resistance. How even a positive change in life, something that we want to happen, can be met with all forms of resistance from within ourselves. Distraction is a major one! I am sure we all do it, there is nothing like a big assignment due to motivate you to to do housework you've put off for months! Resistance can look like fear, procrastination, self comforting, anything other then actually doing what you want to do. A big bucket load of excuses!
But this resistance is how we grow, become strong. You can't build muscle without some form of resistance! And so I must learn to overcome this resistance even though I fear it may exert more force as I get stronger, there will be a point at which my strength is greater then any resistance. While it may still be there, I will relish in it rather then succumb. And then I will be ready for the next chance to grow.
I've ridden myself of two forms of distraction so far, Facebook and Candy Crush! But some distractions from my Phd are not negative and I can't just get rid of them! Doing housework, budgeting, exercise, this blog, doing stuff with kids and the big one - organising! I do lots of organising, list making really, as a way of delaying the inevitable actions that must take place!
But it is the negative ones that I am working to eliminate. Smoking, excessive eating, having another cup of tea (and three cigarettes with it), watching tv, and more, but by just being aware I can begin to take control back from my mind and let my higher (or authentic) self guide me instead.
I'm already making some great changes.. I've cut out coffee, increased water intake, I was having green smoothies but I've started getting resistance to that and haven't had one in a few days. I've been spending time with the kids, doing a bit more housework, and more work on my paper. If I keep going I will be progressing to an awesome life! Awareness is allowing me to continue progressing and highlighting those areas that need change, and how to change them.
I am doing well! But I need to face up to the fact that right now, the single most important thing I can do is to quit smoking. I have done it before, it's not too hard, but I fear that I will not work on my paper if I do. That the physical and psychological withdrawels will create a distraction. Is that just fear raising it's ugly head, resistance?