Thursday, November 21, 2013

Quitting: Day three and Four!

I've got a 24 hr delay thing happening with my posts thanks to a dodgy internet connection on my iPad but let's hope I have it working now!

So Day three was surprisingly easy.  I had a few moments but that constant edginess of the first 24hrs was gone completely.. Until bedtime!  I used Valium to sleep again but woke up quite early feeling great!

Day four was even better with no cravings at all really... Just a general feeling do missing something.  It's all head work from here on out so it's time to put away the food!  Lol. Yes, I've been a little snacky at night!

My reading tells me it can be a while before my brain chemistry adjusts to the changes, 3-4 weeks apparently but I'm ready.  I know my excuses and weaknesses and have my answers and rebuttles to make sure I win!  

I'm an ex smoker.. Time to start living again!

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