Thursday, November 21, 2013

Quitting: Day three and Four!

I've got a 24 hr delay thing happening with my posts thanks to a dodgy internet connection on my iPad but let's hope I have it working now!

So Day three was surprisingly easy.  I had a few moments but that constant edginess of the first 24hrs was gone completely.. Until bedtime!  I used Valium to sleep again but woke up quite early feeling great!

Day four was even better with no cravings at all really... Just a general feeling do missing something.  It's all head work from here on out so it's time to put away the food!  Lol. Yes, I've been a little snacky at night!

My reading tells me it can be a while before my brain chemistry adjusts to the changes, 3-4 weeks apparently but I'm ready.  I know my excuses and weaknesses and have my answers and rebuttles to make sure I win!  

I'm an ex smoker.. Time to start living again!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Quitting: Day 2

I've made it 24hrs and I tell ya, no where near as bad as I thought.

I'm a bit antsy, teeth grindy, and a bit over expressive with a tendency toward utter fatigue!  That of course makes perfect sense.  NOT!  Nothing like bit of contridiction! I did get sleep last night but also had a Valium and was waking from 4am onwards!

My sore throat and allergies from the weekend have cleared up and the stinky smell is all gone.  I still have a slight yuk taste in my mouth but it's getting better.

Things that have helped so far... Breathing techniques have come in handy, just to take off the edge, and I am very glad I haven't had too much caffeine either - just one coffee this morning and I've had a few mouthfuls of tea this afternoon.  Water was great this morning, but I've resorted to M&Ms right now!  Lol Both seem to give my mouth something to do to relieve the aggravation.  I've kept up my food, including some fruit juice to try and keep my blood sugar as stable as possible ( these M&Ms won't help but hey, they are yummy!).

I think the funniest thing is the psychological game I'm playing with hubby...  I've been dancing round acting like I'm completely normal, saying patches are for pussies and bragging that I've quit and it's so easy - and he is convinced I've got a packet stashed somewhere!  It's keeping him motivated because he wants to 'win' and by pretending to be all blasé and cool about quitting, I'm believing it which is making it 100% easier!

Negatives... I'm still battling occasionally with the 'but I want to smoke' thoughts every now and then.  I'm beginning to see through them as my brain trying to rationalise the need to relieve the tension it feels.  I'm hoping this feeling starts to ease now.  I am dreading that it might get worse!  I'm sure I've read Day 3 is the worst but I guess I still have 24hrs before I hit that!  

Looking forward to moving on and doing my budget without any smokes to buy!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Quitting: Day 1

I've just run out of smokes and don't have the money to buy more.  Well, I do, but not without breaking my budget - more then it already has been broken.

So that's it.  Two hours in and I'm already hitting the 'want a smoke' stage - a general agitation, tightness of the chest, metallic taste in my mouth type feeling.

The reason I want to smoke... To relieve that agitation and physical symptoms created by the last cigarette, and my perception that it somehow evokes relaxation.

The reason I don't want to smoke... It's damn expensive, can't afford it, tastes like shit, smoke gets into my eyes, it takes over my thoughts, reduces concentration and focus, makes my finger nails yellow and my hair yucky, I feel greasy smelly and dirty, sucks up all my time, keeps me up all night, ruins my lungs making running hard, I use it as an excuse to not exercise, and then there are the health risks as well.

Seems like a no-brainer right?  But fear is a strong motivator and it's amazing the lengths one will go to to avoid the discomfit of even the mild anxiety of nicotine withdrawels.


I have lots of excuses to use as roadblocks.  Stress, visiting family, spouse smoking, etc.  right now is as good a time as any... No money to buy smokes, husband has patches to quit (which I can fall back on if needed), I have some Valium on prescription for anxiety if it gets too much, and the weather is cold and wet or stinking bloody hot - both good reasons to not go outside for a smoke!

Things to help...

I have to acknowledge that there will be times when I get overwhelmed with the 'need' to smoke, when my mind starts trying to play tricks on me.  When I start trying to manipulate my husband into buying smokes, when I think about sneaking out for just one.. knowing it will happen and recognising it for what it is makes it harder to deceive myself.
For physical symptoms:
*Ensuring I eat properly and stay hydrated will help with 'hunger' type feelings and stop me ballooning in weight.
*Cutting out the coffee will help reduce agitation - nicotine dulls the effects of caffeine so you can become more sensitive to it.
*Eat fruit for snacks, or drink juice to maintain blood sugar levels.  Nicotine affects your blood sugar levels so you can experience sugar crashes along with cravings!  This is apparently why people gain weight when quitting (along with the whole oral fixation thing!).
*breathing exercises can help replace the process of smoking - three deep slow breathes with a hold before releasing can mimic the supposed relaxation response.
*distraction is always good - exercise, Candy Crush, housework, a shower, brush teeth, chew gum, watch a movie, go shopping (anywhere non-smoking), even making a phone call.  The less the act is associated with smoking the better, the places you can't smoke (or buy them) are better still.  
*boredom is my biggest enemy so I need to balance distraction and activity with a steady input of relaxation as well.
*and my last resort will be the Valium.  I've quit smoking before without nicotine replacements but I found it so hard to sleep, and then fatigued the next day, and fearful of another bad nights sleep I caved at the next opportunity.

I believe I am prepared.  I'm feeling great, but thinking I might brush my teeth.  I've downed a good litre of water and feeling a bit sleepy.