Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 3: Checking out the Flylady website

I'm pretty sure that that the 'dress to your shoes' should be done first thing in the morning, not after midday - even on a Sunday!  And maybe putting on shoes would help as well!  I'll give myself a free pass for today.. It is the weekend after all, but tomorrow I shall be showered, dressed to the shoes and even have my hair and make-up done before I have my coffee!

Today's tasks are:

1. Shine your sink
2. Dress to your shoes
3. Check out the website

How did I do?  My sink is shining.. Whenever I walk into the kitchen I check it, putting any dirty dishes into the dishwasher and giving it a wipe.  The dishes that can't go in the dishwasher are stacked until I have a reasonable pile and then washed.  I give them an hour to dry, put them away and then put the drying rack back on its hanger and give the sink another wipe.  It's working for me!

The website:

I have to say it is greatly improved since my last visit!  The launch pad is a good idea and makes finding the main areas of the site a lot easier!  There is a lot of information on there and most of it I don't need right now - just the 31 day Babysteps program!  Not for long though!  Soon I will be venturing into the daily routines, weekly focus, and Kelly's missions!  

I will not get ahead do myself though.. Babysteps are there for a reason!

I'm off to browse some more.. It is very motivating to read about other people doing housework!

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